"A Day In The Life" session | Hardin Family

June 19, 2022  •  Leave a Comment

Leah & Dave recently welcomed their new baby boy, Huck into their sweet little family. Just before Huck was to come into their world, Dave had a dirt bike accident and broke his leg. Life is a little different then the Hardin family is used to but they are making it work. I am so honored to be able to capture this time in their lives. I hope you enjoy the photos as much as I enjoyed capturing them.

0101 01-201-2 0202Fin showed me around his rooms and some of his pretty awesome toys. Fin showed me around his room and some of his awesome toys.


0404 0505 Fin is a great big brother and a big helper with bath time. 0606 0707 0808 0909

Fin is already teaching Huck to play with toys in the bathtub.

1010 1111 1212 1414 1515 1313 1616

Leah is such a graceful Mommy, she makes it look so easy.

1717 1818 1919 2020

Fin trains the dogs while Huck gets some lunch.

2121 2222 2323 2424 2525 2626 2727 2828 2929 3030 3131


All that hard work training the dog and tickling the baby has made Fin hungry.

3333 3434 3535 3636 3737 3838 3939

Time to go hang out with Daddy!

4040 4141 4242 4343 4545 Fin and Huck like to hold pinky's 4444 4646 4747 4848 4949 5050 5151 5252 5353 Fin makes for a pretty awesome big brother. 5454 5555 5656 5757 5858 5959 Fin is also a pretty good dog trainer. 6060 6161 6262 Fin turned around so that I could take a photo of his bootie. 62-262-2 Huck enjoyed a afternoon nap. 6363 Yay a package came for Huck and Fin. What could it be? 6464 6565 6666 Adorable clothes for Huck and a tool to examine bugs with for Fin. Thanks Mary Kay!   6767 6868 6969 7070 Time to go feed the horses! 7171 7272 7373 7474 7575

I had a great time hanging out with Dave, Leah, Fin and Huck!

Leah, Thank you so much for letting me into your world. It's quit beautiful and I feel so blessed to be apart of it for a few hours.

To inquire about a "Day in the life of" session, contact Jeannie at [email protected] or 816.649.8945


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