Rochelle & Quinten | 425 Downtown Wedding | Ozark Wedding Photographer

July 26, 2015  •  3 Comments

Rochelle & Quintin's wedding day was an absolute blast! Their family came together to celebrate with them at 425 Downtown in Springfield, MO. Rochelle followed the trend her mother set years ago at her own wedding, and walked down the isle before her wedding party. She didn't want to miss her wedding unfolding before she walked out. I'm so glad she choose to do things her own way because it was so much more personal and she got to see what most brides don't...their flower girl and ring bearer coming down the isle being adorable!

Rochelle & Quintin's favorite Disney song is 'Beauty & the Beast' so during the reception their family surprised them by singing their own version of "Be Our Guest". They changed the words to suit Rochelle & Quintin and their reception. With lines like "Be their guest! Be their guest! Hot fudge Sunday it is best" and "Tie your napkin round your neck, dear folk and they will pay the check".  

Their entire day was filled with special touches including the best man singing and playing the guitar as part of his speech and a special German tradition of drinking out of the same cup. 

Rochelle, Quintin & their families were an absolute dream to work with and I hope you love their images as much as I loved capturing them!

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Auntie Karen(non-registered)
What an honor to be part of Punkin's big day. Picture's worth a thousand words. Love the build your own Sunday? So much better than wedding cake! Just as good as Andy's!
Barb & Dan Taylor(non-registered)
Loved the pictures--you had a beautiful wedding Rochelle, so sorry we couldn't be there!!
Bennet Barlean(non-registered)
What a beautiful wedding. Love the pictures! Creative and FUN! So wish I could have been there. Blessings to both of you as you start your life together. --Bennet
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